Stetson University, DeLand

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Stetson University, DeLand
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Stetson University, founded in 1883, has a beautiful campus with red brick buildings, oak trees, and palm gardens. Inscribed on one of the buildings are the words "Education is power," and this struck me as I strolled along. To be privileged to have an education at a small university where professors care and know about you is to be given a powerful boost in life. Although Stetson University is expensive to attend, the average merit scholarship awarded is $20,000 per year. Also, 30% of the students come from less-wealthy families. The students seem very happy at Stetson. Some residence halls allow pets. Some residence halls are in historic buildings with gorgeous lounges downstairs. The DeLand campus is located along a delightful tree-lined road, Woodland Blvd, that leads into the historic main strip of DeLand town, with cute cafes.
One of the good things about going to Stetson University is you could swim at Blue Spring State Park on weekends! Paradise!

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Bumpy grass on little hills.

Row of palms and fountain.

Cupola on Elizabeth Hall.

The red-brick buildings with white trim match nicely with the greenery.

The Lynn Business Center Building is modern.

Wonderful long grass!

A garden of palms.

Bench along Woodlawn Blvd.

Quaint house on Woodlawn Blvd.

Beautiful architecture is everywhere at Stetson University.

Entrance off Woodlawn Blvd.

Spanish-style building.

Elizabeth Hall, a truly gorgeous one.

Southern-style mansion on Woodlawn Blvd.

Students walk down Woodlawn Blvd a few blocks to the main historical strip of DeLand town.

Victorian building.

Sun setting on the campus.

Deep green grassy area.

A hall that resembles a barn.

Bench on campus.

The gorgeous buildings.

The historic main strip of DeLand, just blocks from campus on Woodlawn Blvd.


Stetson University is located at 421 N. Woodland Blvd, DeLand FL 32723, call (386) 822-7100.


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Last Updated: Tue, 27 Feb 2024 15:25:09 GMT

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