Mead Botanical Garden, Winter Park

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Orlando, FL
Mead Botanical Garden, Winter Park
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Mead Botanical Garden is a beautiful, lush natural area surrounding a flowing stream. There is no entry fee. You can just park and walk around whenever you want, from dawn to dusk. There is a wooded area with some picnic tables, and there are little paths through tropical vegetation. Listen to the birds and their pretty calls, and look up at the huge trees. It's lovely! The boardwalk is a little sketchy as it is rotting a lot. There is a charming area with camelia flowers and classical statues. The garden is quite deserted sometimes so bring a friend. I met a lovely couple from Mexico and we chatted as we walked around checking out the flowers. Two little squirrels poked their heads out of a bird house.
After your walk, have lunch at one of the cafes on Park Ave in Winter Park. It's great to people-watch and take in the fantastic atmosphere!

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Purple azaleas with amphitheater behind.

An amazing tree.

Squirrels peeking out of a birdhouse.

Bird sighting!


Classic sculpture.

Multi-colored camellia.

Purple azaleas and forest.


Stream and cypress tree.


Mead Botanical Garden is located at 1500 S. Denning Dr, Winter Park FL 32789, call (407) 599-2800.
There is no entry fee. The garden is just open, all around the parking lot, from dawn to dusk.


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Last Updated: Sun, 01 Mar 2015 00:35:09 GMT

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