Dwight Murphy Park

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Santa Barbara, CA
Dwight Murphy Park
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Dwight Murphy Park, though it is close to some nice places like East Beach, is not the best. It has a poopy smell either from the zoo across the street or the reclaimed water used to water the grass. There is also a large homeless population living here.

The park's main claim to fame is that it has the only large collection of calisthenics equipment in Santa Barbara. It has a fairly good selection of exercise stations and many young guys come to work out, despite the smell. The only other calisthenics equipment to be found nearby is a small selection of equipment at UCSB near the freshman cafeteria and the parking lot for Campus Point Beach.
There is also a playground at Dwight Murphy Park, which has two small play structures and a high metal wave for rock climbing. You can bring your kids here while your man works out. The trees around the playground are pretty, though the area doesn't feel very safe.
The views of the mountains are lovely. Afterward, walk down Ninos Drive to East Beach and enjoy the ocean breeze.

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Calisthenics exercise equipment.

Guys taking a break while doing calisthenics.

The playground for big kids.

The high wavy rock climbing structure is awesome.

The trees around the playground are nice.

The back of the rock climbing structure.

Flowers at Dwight Murphy Park.


Dwight Murphy Park is located at 458 Por La Mar Dr, Santa Barbara CA 93103. Parking is free along the road and is easier to find further away from the zoo (closer to the ocean).


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Last Updated: Tue, 17 Jan 2017 03:19:16 GMT

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