University of South Florida, Tampa

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Tampa, FL
University of South Florida, Tampa
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Walk around the main campus square, MLK Plaza, at University of South Florida and you find yourself in an oasis of trees. Rows of canary palms, a long pergola, a huge rectangular fountain, and dozens more large trees all combine to create a beautiful space. All these trees and their shade must be much appreciated during the many hot months of the year. The student center is here, and you can sit by the huge windows and eat a meal. It can get super congested in the food court at lunchtime so opt for Einstein Bros Bagels instead. The bookstore is large and well-stocked with interesting items so it's fun for a visit. USF is an incredibly diverse campus with people from all different cultures and religions. There is a mix of older and more modern buildings. Once you leave campus, the surroundings are sketchy-looking and there is quite a lot of traffic.
The campus is a 22 minute drive from Curtis Hixon Park, a gorgeous waterfront area in downtown Tampa.

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Bikes outside Student Center.

Shady walkway with Spanish moss.

Impressive row of trees.

Student walk past the fountains.

Statue in front of Student Center.

Which path will you take?

Practising by the lake.

Rotunda inside the Education Building.


University of South Florida is located at 4202 E. Fowler Ave, Tampa FL 33620. From Fowler Ave, turn north on Collins Blvd and follow it to the end. There is a parking lot on your right and you can park for up to 8 hours if you use the pay-by-space machines. Park your car, pay for a ticket at the machine, and then return to your car to put the ticket on your dashboard.


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Last Updated: Mon, 02 Sep 2019 21:27:29 GMT

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