Falls Lake Dam, Raleigh
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Watch water come rushing out of a dam, and then picnic on the grass or fish at the lake.
Tall waterfall at the mouth of the Montmorency River. You can walk stairs up to a suspension bridge over the falls.
Sculptures on a steep cliff over the Tennessee River, and a cute neighborhood for walks and bakery visits.
Watch water come rushing out of a dam, and then picnic on the grass or fish at the lake.
Tall waterfall at the mouth of the Montmorency River. You can walk stairs up to a suspension bridge over the falls.
Cute spot on the river with historic mill, tobacco packhouse, and farmhouse, plus a dam.
Tall waterfall at the mouth of the Montmorency River. You can walk stairs up to a suspension bridge over the falls.
Tall waterfall at the mouth of the Montmorency River. You can walk stairs up to a suspension bridge over the falls.
Lovely playground in a recessed forest area, with a greenway connecting to another great playground.
Tall waterfall at the mouth of the Montmorency River. You can walk stairs up to a suspension bridge over the falls.
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