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Duke University and Chapel, Durham

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Duke University and Chapel, Durham

Gorgeous Gothic architecture, impressive chapel, and cute patios under leafy trees.

Duke University and Chapel, Durham

Gorgeous Gothic architecture, impressive chapel, and cute patios under leafy trees.

UCLA campus

Gorgeous campus with Romanesque Revival architecture, huge sloping lawns, and old trees.

Duke University and Chapel, Durham

Gorgeous Gothic architecture, impressive chapel, and cute patios under leafy trees.

Duke University and Chapel, Durham

Gorgeous Gothic architecture, impressive chapel, and cute patios under leafy trees.

Duke University and Chapel, Durham

Gorgeous Gothic architecture, impressive chapel, and cute patios under leafy trees.

Duke University and Chapel, Durham

Gorgeous Gothic architecture, impressive chapel, and cute patios under leafy trees.

Duke University and Chapel, Durham

Gorgeous Gothic architecture, impressive chapel, and cute patios under leafy trees.

Duke University and Chapel, Durham

Gorgeous Gothic architecture, impressive chapel, and cute patios under leafy trees.

Duke University and Chapel, Durham

Gorgeous Gothic architecture, impressive chapel, and cute patios under leafy trees.

Duke University and Chapel, Durham

Gorgeous Gothic architecture, impressive chapel, and cute patios under leafy trees.

Duke University and Chapel, Durham

Gorgeous Gothic architecture, impressive chapel, and cute patios under leafy trees.

Duke University and Chapel, Durham

Gorgeous Gothic architecture, impressive chapel, and cute patios under leafy trees.

Duke University and Chapel, Durham

Gorgeous Gothic architecture, impressive chapel, and cute patios under leafy trees.

UCLA campus

Gorgeous campus with Romanesque Revival architecture, huge sloping lawns, and old trees.

Duke University and Chapel, Durham

Gorgeous Gothic architecture, impressive chapel, and cute patios under leafy trees.

Duke University and Chapel, Durham

Gorgeous Gothic architecture, impressive chapel, and cute patios under leafy trees.

Duke University and Chapel, Durham

Gorgeous Gothic architecture, impressive chapel, and cute patios under leafy trees.

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