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Umstead Park, Chapel Hill

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Sarah P. Duke Gardens, Durham

Large world-class garden with lakeside allees, flower terraces, and small Japanese garden.

Willowglen Park

A neighborhood park with close-up views of the mountains. large lawn, playground, autumn trees, and bridge over creek to school.

Memphis Botanical Garden

Pleasant large botanical garden with super area for kids.

Sarah P. Duke Gardens, Durham

Large world-class garden with lakeside allees, flower terraces, and small Japanese garden.

Sarah P. Duke Gardens, Durham

Large world-class garden with lakeside allees, flower terraces, and small Japanese garden.

Lake Parker Park, Lakeland

Paved walking path near lake and winding through jungly forest, incredible playground, but lots of mosquitoes.

Chapel Hill Community Center Park

Large shady playground with fun three-person spinner swing. Bolin Creek bike path starts here.

Sarah P. Duke Gardens, Durham

Large world-class garden with lakeside allees, flower terraces, and small Japanese garden.

Umstead Park, Chapel Hill

Large shady playground with two cool spinners, beach volleyball court, basketball court, and long bike path along a beautiful creek.

Lake Johnson Greenway

Beautiful lake with small beach, kayak rentals, and 3 mile shady paved walking loop around the lake.

Northgate Park, Durham

A beautiful park with very tall trees, winding paths, blossoming trees, and lovely patches of grass.

Southern Village Greenway, Chapel Hill

2.4 mile paved, intermittently shady greenway with varied sights!

Northgate Park, Durham

A beautiful park with very tall trees, winding paths, blossoming trees, and lovely patches of grass.

East Manning Park, Montecito

Lovely mountain views, a large picnic area, sand volleyball, and new space-age playground.

Sarah P. Duke Gardens, Durham

Large world-class garden with lakeside allees, flower terraces, and small Japanese garden.

Coastal Discovery Museum, Hilton Head Island

Lovely grounds to walk around, plus a small indoor museum- something for everyone!

Piedmont Park, Atlanta

This is Atlanta's Central Park!

Manning Park, Montecito

A green sloped lawn with huge, healthy pines that shade you, picnic areas with hanging vines, and a toddler playground.

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