Hotel del Coronado and Coronado Beach
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An amazing place to watch surfers ride the waves close up and in the shade, at that!
A walk along a clifftop to a popular surfing area with gorgeous sand dunes and exotic plants.
A long perfect beach popular with locals! The water stays shallow for ages making it nice for kids!
A popular beach with families and dog owners. Come for a long walk under beautiful cliffs.
Listen to the ocean's roar, and take in the fun festive atmosphere at Carpinteria Beach!
Beautiful beach with dark golden cliffs, a small boardwalk that's romantic at night, and visits by dolphins!
One of the most beautiful spots in California- look way down below through lush palms at the incredible blue-green water.
Wide beach with an abundance of white sand in a neighborhood of chic beach houses.
Stroll to the end of the breakwater while waves tumble over the sea wall! Sip a pomegranate margarita at an attractive bar!
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