It's a wonderful experience to go to a free symphony orchestra rehearsal at the Performing Arts Center at Cal Poly University. These events, called No Ties Allowed, take place at 11am on the day of the symphony concert. The instruments of the orchestra sound so much more beautiful in a concert hall than on a recording- it's amazing when you first hear them play! The rehearsal is usually like a real concert at the beginning. Towards the end the symphony might start repeating things in order to really rehearse and at that point it's ok to leave.
Kids are encouraged to attend, though coughing kids are frowned upon. In the lobby is an instrument petting zoo, a collection of instruments on a table that kids and adults can try out. I love the wooden frog percussion instruments that sound just like croaking frogs! The concert hall is breathtaking, and just being in it is a treat for kids. Kids usually don't have patience to stay much longer than 10-20 minutes, but it's fine to leave whenever you want. I highly recommend bringing your child to these events and filling their lives with musical experiences!
After, you can have a coffee at Scout Coffee, a two minute walk away on campus, which has a nice outdoor seating area.
Parking is free during No Ties Allowed concerts- see below.
For more music in SLO, check my summer live music list.
Parking in the Grand Avenue Parking Structure is free during these events. From the Cal Poly main entrance, drive uphill on Grand Ave, turn left immediately on Pacheco Way, and then continue straight ahead into the parking structure.
Last Updated: Sat, 03 Aug 2024 18:49:14 GMT
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