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Calabasas Commons

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Calabasas Commons

A shopping plaza with sidewalks cafes and shops that would look like Europe if it weren't so new!

Calabasas Commons

A shopping plaza with sidewalks cafes and shops that would look like Europe if it weren't so new!

Worth Avenue, Palm Beach

A sumptuous street with Spanish archways and courtyards and unique shops for the extremely rich.

Hearst Castle, San Simeon

Hearst Castle is like a dream! High, high above the sea!

Albin Polasek Sculpture Gardens, Winter Park

Sweet little house on beautiful plot of land on Lake Osceola, with intimate sculptures in the garden.

Santa Barbara Natural History Museum

A small museum set in a Spanish-style building by a creek, with a netted garden of 1,000 butterflies in the summer.

Hannibal Square, Winter Park

Two blocks of delightful architecture and some chic restaurants.

Worth Avenue, Palm Beach

A sumptuous street with Spanish archways and courtyards and unique shops for the extremely rich.

Calabasas Commons

A shopping plaza with sidewalks cafes and shops that would look like Europe if it weren't so new!

Hearst Castle, San Simeon

Hearst Castle is like a dream! High, high above the sea!

Worth Avenue, Palm Beach

A sumptuous street with Spanish archways and courtyards and unique shops for the extremely rich.

Calabasas Commons

A shopping plaza with sidewalks cafes and shops that would look like Europe if it weren't so new!

Mission San Luis Obispo de Tolosa

Spanish mission from late 18th century, in downtown San Luis Obispo, with giant roses in the garden behind.

Carmel Mission

A rustic yet glorious mission, with fantastic gardens.

Worth Avenue, Palm Beach

A sumptuous street with Spanish archways and courtyards and unique shops for the extremely rich.

North Village Mansions walk, Celebration

Walk past lake with cypress trees, and down three culdesacs with mansions.

Casa del Herrero, Montecito

House built in 1925, with pretty garden. Only possible to see it on a very long docent-led tour.

Worth Avenue, Palm Beach

A sumptuous street with Spanish archways and courtyards and unique shops for the extremely rich.

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