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Cultural Gardens at Honolulu Airport

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Byodo-In Temple

Stunning replica of the same-named temple in Kyoto, Japan. Glorious high mountains and tropical vegetation- a must do!

UH Manoa Japanese gardens and campus

Stroll around the University of Hawaii campus and find some treasures!

Chinese Garden of Friendship, Darling Harbour

Pleasant garden with waterfall, huge lizards, boulders, pavilions with lovely circle windows and distinctive roofs, and pond, but some city noise.

Cultural Gardens at Honolulu Airport

Japanese, Chinese, and Hawaiian gardens where you can wait peacefully for your flight!

Foster Botanical Garden

A lush paradise in the middle of downtown Honolulu!

UH Manoa Japanese gardens and campus

Stroll around the University of Hawaii campus and find some treasures!

Byodo-In Temple

Stunning replica of the same-named temple in Kyoto, Japan. Glorious high mountains and tropical vegetation- a must do!

Hilton Hawaiian Village Beach, Waikiki

A beautiful, spacious, open part of Waikiki Beach, and tons for kids to do!

Byodo-In Temple

Stunning replica of the same-named temple in Kyoto, Japan. Glorious high mountains and tropical vegetation- a must do!

Chinese Garden of Friendship, Darling Harbour

Pleasant garden with waterfall, huge lizards, boulders, pavilions with lovely circle windows and distinctive roofs, and pond, but some city noise.

Byodo-In Temple

Stunning replica of the same-named temple in Kyoto, Japan. Glorious high mountains and tropical vegetation- a must do!

Chinese Garden of Friendship, Darling Harbour

Pleasant garden with waterfall, huge lizards, boulders, pavilions with lovely circle windows and distinctive roofs, and pond, but some city noise.

Byodo-In Temple

Stunning replica of the same-named temple in Kyoto, Japan. Glorious high mountains and tropical vegetation- a must do!

Byodo-In Temple

Stunning replica of the same-named temple in Kyoto, Japan. Glorious high mountains and tropical vegetation- a must do!

Chinese Garden of Friendship, Darling Harbour

Pleasant garden with waterfall, huge lizards, boulders, pavilions with lovely circle windows and distinctive roofs, and pond, but some city noise.

Chinese Garden of Friendship, Darling Harbour

Pleasant garden with waterfall, huge lizards, boulders, pavilions with lovely circle windows and distinctive roofs, and pond, but some city noise.

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