Downtown Orlando
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Walk Market Street and its side streets to see gorgeous historic mansions and churches.
Paradise! A casual cafe on the water with adirondack chairs, picnic tables, and a great breeze!
Stunning Spanish Renaissance style church with peaceful blue interior and Tiffany glass windows.
A private four-year college in a sumptuous building, formerly the Ponce de Leon Hotel.
Delightful stone ramparts with cannons, views of the river, breeze, maple leaves galore! Peaceful!
Walk Market Street and its side streets to see gorgeous historic mansions and churches.
A Danish-American town that has become a bit of a tourist trap, but is charming nonetheless.
A walk above the ocean, past seals basking in their own private cove, to a lovely beach for wading.
Paradise! A natural spring in the shape of a round pool, leading to a sandy river beach.
Historic houses, beautiful trees, and views of the volcanic peaks.
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