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Chateau Frontenac

The iconic Chateauesque-style hotel that stands high above the Saint Lawrence River. It is the center of Old Quebec.

Chateau Frontenac

The iconic Chateauesque-style hotel that stands high above the Saint Lawrence River. It is the center of Old Quebec.

Rue Saint-Louis and side streets

Very crowded street of historic buildings with restaurants and hotels, leading down to Chateau Frontenac.

Parc des Gouverneurs

Large square park filled with tall, old trees, looking down on the happy vibes of Dufferin Terrace and the blue river below.

Chateau Frontenac

The iconic Chateauesque-style hotel that stands high above the Saint Lawrence River. It is the center of Old Quebec.

Chateau Frontenac

The iconic Chateauesque-style hotel that stands high above the Saint Lawrence River. It is the center of Old Quebec.

Rue Saint-Louis and side streets

Very crowded street of historic buildings with restaurants and hotels, leading down to Chateau Frontenac.

Rue Saint-Louis and side streets

Very crowded street of historic buildings with restaurants and hotels, leading down to Chateau Frontenac.

Dufferin Terrace

The focal point of the city. Views of the Saint Lawrence River and a happy scene of people enjoying life.

Parc des Gouverneurs

Large square park filled with tall, old trees, looking down on the happy vibes of Dufferin Terrace and the blue river below.

White House Visitor Center and South Lawn

Video with interesting quotes by those who have lived in the White House, and distant view of the south side of the White House from the lawn.

Chateau Frontenac

The iconic Chateauesque-style hotel that stands high above the Saint Lawrence River. It is the center of Old Quebec.

Parc des Gouverneurs

Large square park filled with tall, old trees, looking down on the happy vibes of Dufferin Terrace and the blue river below.

Chateau Frontenac

The iconic Chateauesque-style hotel that stands high above the Saint Lawrence River. It is the center of Old Quebec.

Rue Saint-Louis and side streets

Very crowded street of historic buildings with restaurants and hotels, leading down to Chateau Frontenac.

National Museum of Natural History

Incredible gems, plus a stuffed elephant and lots of animals, in a gorgeous building.

Parc des Gouverneurs

Large square park filled with tall, old trees, looking down on the happy vibes of Dufferin Terrace and the blue river below.

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