Glebe Point Rd, Glebe
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A main street of late 19th century storefronts, popular cafes, and a hip college scene. Recently, suffering an epidemic of homelessness.
Three-block stretch of restaurants, under a canopy of trees, with sweet 1930s architecture.
The oldest part of Quebec City. An amazing area of galleries, shops, cafes, incredible architecture, flower baskets, cobblestone streets, and the waterfront.
Trendy area with coffee shop, beer garden, wine bars, and cider bar, in industrial-style architecture with murals.
A modern and attractive coffee shop, plus a Christian bookstore.
Beautiful architecture, sculptures, modern art museum, designer stores, play equipment, and public market with swings.
Trendy area with coffee shop, beer garden, wine bars, and cider bar, in industrial-style architecture with murals.
Everything you need within walking distance of each other: upmarket cafes, shops, bakeries, movie theater, bookstore, library, park, and beach.
Upscale, colorful plaza in farmhouse style, with modern cafes. Kids climb on a huge log. The fire pit is fantastic at night, surrounded by eucalyptus trees.
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