Swinging Bridge, Eno River State Park, Durham
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Wealthy neighborhood with cliffs covered in wildflowers above the turquoise sea.
Inspiring Science museum with excellent hands-on exhibits!
A paradise where you can slide down natural rock slides, in exquisite Oak Creek Canyon.
Twenty-minute wooded hike that leads to a high waterfall over mossy walls.
Large world-class garden with lakeside allees, flower terraces, and small Japanese garden.
A paradise where you can slide down natural rock slides, in exquisite Oak Creek Canyon.
A paradise where you can slide down natural rock slides, in exquisite Oak Creek Canyon.
A gorgeous hike through redwoods to a pool in the river, with smooth white rocks to sit on.
Romantic place to walk at night, a quiet beach by day, and a lagoon with dolphins!
Disney Springs Resorts give you access to ferryboats so you can eat at Disney Springs at night.
Small aquarium with beautiful jellies, touch tanks, and an opening to the sea floor!
Wonderful zoo among jungle with plenty of room for animals to roam, and an amazing interactive area for kids.
Beautiful nature center on Hutchinson Island, with nature trail on boardwalks, lagoon filled with sharks and game fish, stingrays you can feed by hand, and huge ocean deck with views around the island!
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